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Small Groups

List of Groups

Our Story


Browse Small Groups by Category

Use our small groups directory to find the group that is right for you. We recommend selecting a few groups that interest you before deciding on the best one. Contact the leaders to get more info, and make plans to try it out in person!

(When they click on these groups in blue below, they must each go to individual pages listing of types of groups)


Bible Study Groups 

(Groups run in various neighborhood in the evenings)


Interest Based Groups

•         From running to hiking to cooking to Golf to men/women’s fellowship groups etc

•         Financial Groups

•         Host Groups – Watch curriculum/videos


Freedom Groups

•         Depression

•         Addictions

•         Pornography

•         Divorce care

•         Children – Divorce care + Bereavement

•         Trauma

•         Marriage

•         Anger

•         Fear/Anxiety

•         Deliverance

•         Abused women

•         Restoration groups (Past hurts that need to be dealt with)


Prayer Groups 

•         Intercessory Prayer

•         Men’s or Ladies Prayer Group – Contact the leaders for more info

•         Various Prayer Groups in various neighborhoods – Contact the leaders for more info


Serve Groups

•         Homeless

•         Abused women

•         Family 

•         Orphans

•         Homeless

•         Aged


NextGen Groups

•         Middle School (6th-8th Grade)

•         High School (9th-12th Grade)

•         College+ (18-25 Years Old)


Young Adult Groups

•         Young Adults (18-35 Years Old)


Young at Heart Groups

•         Young at Heart (48 Years Old+)

•         Dinner & Lunch Groups 

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